Monthly Archives: May 2015


The youths of today are faced with mordenization and it has brought a lot of consequences. For a long time now, the issue of sex education for young people, particularly here in Africa, has remained a taboo. Although sex education is a natural development process, many parents, cultures and societies frown at discussing sex education with their adolescent children because it is perceived as a generational taboo. A good sex education is needed so that the youths can gather their acts together.

Sex education is the process of acquaring positive information and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual identities, relationships and intimacy. Without distroying the fabric of the society, it is very important to give the young people sex education in a way that not only reflects the values of the family and the society, but also enhances the sustainability of a balanced culture.

Having sex is a primitive human tendency that emerges in all of us in different forms and at different times. One thing is certain: if parents fail to educate their children on sex and sex-related issues, they will learn it from other sources. It is not only important as a developmental process in the life of a child, it also helps the child to understand him or herself better in relationship to the immediate environment and the threates that could emerge from such interaction; meaning that young people would gain more knowledge and the ability to defend themselves and alert people of the threates of sexual exploitation if they are sexually educated. Educating our young people about themselves sends a message of self-appriciation, self-esteem and highlights the fact that the change they are experiencing or would experience later in life, is indeed normal.
But it is unfurtunate that our parents have adamantly restricted themselves from such discussions. And the reasons to this are not far-fetched!
Some parents believe that talking to their children about sex would lead to premarital sexual activities, while some believe that it will make them promiscuous. Another reason why parents shy away from it is that they believe that their children already knows whatever it is they need to know about sex, either from the school, church or friends. Actually, young people get a lot information about sex & sexuality from a wide range of sources, including peers. But unfortunately most of these information are inacurate and misleading. For instance, false beliefs are spreading around young people today that if you don’t have sex, you are still not matured; you can’t get pregnant if you have sex while standing; you cant get pregnant if you do it just once; etc. These are some of the outrageous beliefs among the young people. But if our parents begin to take their God-giving privileges seriously, they will be able to find out what their youths’ beliefs are and correct every mis-information they may have gathered.

As far as sex education for youth is concerned, one does see an obvious increase in un-intended pregnancies, mis-carriages, abortions and spread of STDs. This statistical evidence also proves how unaware the youths are in terms of risking their lives. Precausionary measures are highly needed at this time.


1. Introducing sex education in schoold corricumum: this may be implemented in private and government schools with a carefully knitted syllabus covering all the aspects of sex education for youths.

2. Various risky behaviours among youths such as forced sex, pornography, physical abuse, can lead to early pregnancies. This should form the vital part of the curriculum helping them to understand the unethical and inhuman aspects of such behaviours.

3. It should also provide the knowledge of contraceptives and the differences between various contraception methods; eg: morning pills, condoms, etc.

4. Help the youth to understand, through intensive programmes; the importance of sex worth. Every human should learn the importance and understand the worth of life.

5. Schools should have a good sex education which includes not only knowing the anatomy of the body parts, but also how to take care of them.

6. Schools should inculcate in them the values of self worth among students so that they can say no to sexual predators.

7. They should tell them the importance of knowing the consequences of physically abusing themselves and engaging in sexual risk behavious.

8. Educate them on the appropriate time to have sex.

9. Help them to know the benefits of being chaste till marriage.

10. Teach them the consequences of pre-marital sex and teenage pregnancy.

11. Help them to understand that sexual expression outside of marriage will have harmful social, psychological and physical consequences.



As the advent of internet exposes more and more teenagers to issues of life and sex, more and more of them are getting into relationships and dating at a very young age. It has been observed that teenage relationships are extremely susceptible to quick disintegration. Moreover, teenage relationship leads to numerous other damaging outcomes on the physical and emotional health of those involved. Below is a list of major negative effects of teenage relationship.

Firstly, teenagers are biologically immature to deal with relationships. A teenager’s brain is not fully armed with the required experience and knowledge to be able to distinguish between the right and the wrong person for them. If a teenager gets physical with a person they are dating, it leads to extremely detrimental consiquences on their health and emotional state. Teenage is a stage of preparation where a person undergoes important biological metamorphosis and the body readies itself for adult experiences. So if love, sex and other relationship related issues come before time, naturally the body and the mind will goof up and retaliate on account of lack of preparedness.

Teenagers are prone to extreme emotional instability, mood swings, contradictory feelings and reckless actions. Emotional maturity is a matter of time, age and experience. While some teens are definitely more mature and serious about life than others, they can be completely not denying the fact that none of them whatsoever are completely ready to handle the emotional stress and resposibilities that a relationship entalis. As a consequence of their emotional inaptitude, they are unable to deal with the many problmes associated with a relationship. They feel possessive, get hurt easily, prone to fall into depression, they become completely dependent on their partners for their happiness and wellbeing, and they begin to circle their existence solely around them, thereby ignoring their healthy parts of life like their studies, families and friends.

The teenage is an extremely sensitive territory. Every experience, good or bad, creates a deep and irascible imprint on the mind of the teen. More often, teenage relationships backfires completely and leave irrevocable scars of the emotional make-up of person.

Teenager’s lives should be spent in making good friends, having great times with them, studying hard, crushing on a lot of people and other pleasant things. A relationship at such a tender age, basically exposes them to the kind of anxiety and trauma that married people go through.

Falling into a relationship erases the brighter and the more important aspects of a teenager’s life. They begin to sideline issues that are more important. Although some try to manage to retain dedication towards studies and career, most of them become distracted and disinteretsed. This inevitably leads to regrets and problems later on i life. Teenage dating also makes a teen more distant from their friends and families. They centre their social existence completely around their partners.

All students should receive education about healthy relationship in schools as a part of health education. These lessons should include understanding and identifying healthy and unhealthy relationships pattern, effective ways to communicate relationship needs and manage conflict, and strategies to avoid or end unhealthy relationships.
Sex education should also be encouraged in schools to help them know and understand the locations and functions of their sex organs, to know appropriate time to engage in sexual relationships and also to have self worth so that they have a high regard of themselves and to be able to say ”NO” to sexual predators.



There is nothing worse than making mistakes that will later be regretted. Understanding the love language of women matters; therefore, men must at all cost, avoid asking women following questions:

1. Can I kiss you?
It is totaly wrong for a man to ask a woman if he can kiss her as she would only say a man should never ask for a kiss.
Asking her for permission to kiss her will only make you look like a boy, which is what a woman is not interested in, and even if she says ”yes”, it could be that she is only trying to be polite, while on the other side her attraction meter will read a firm ”NO.” do not ask for permission. Just go for it, if she turns her head or push you away, that’s a better form of rejection than saying ”NO”.

2. Can I take you out on a date sometime?
A woman will always like to be with a man who is a leader and in control of everything, not someone who asks her permission to hit her. A man should confidently ask a woman out by simply saying ”lets go out for a date… What’s your number?

3. How many men have you slept with?
It is totaly not your business to know the number of men she has slept with before meeting you. Asking her such question will make her feel you are not secured with her.

4. Are you still a virgin?
This is one rediculous question that most women will never want to respond to as it makes them feel embarrassed and unsecured. You don’t have to ask. Just findout for yourself.

5. Why didn’t you reply my text message?
A man should never ask a woman such question as it would show that he cared she didn’t reply back; it would also make her feel guilt.

6. Do you like me?
This is one phrase that turns off a woman completely! Just assume she likes you, don’t ask her, as it would look like you have no confidence.

7. What do you want to do for the weekend?
A woman likes a ”man with plan”. You need to have a game of plan before calling her, so as to ensure that she wont be bordened with having to think of what to do.

8. Will you marry me?
Hey, am just kidding. Just try to make sure you say it just onece in life.

So, there you have it. Real men don’t take permission from women. They are always in control. You just have to be very polite yet very confident.

Be free to ask questions and comments.


Truly all vaginas have their own natural smell, or maybe I should scent (lol). That unique scent can be an aphrodisiac for your partner, but when your vagina starts smelling too fishy, then something is wrong somewhere.
Below are top 10 easy ways to help you get rid of that bad smell from the inside out.

1. Eat a good quantity of citrus fruits like Oranges and Lemons.

2. Indian Goosberry also helps to give the vagina a unique scent.

3. Add fresh yughurt to your diet.

4. Garlic is also very friendly, as it helps to keep away bacteria infections.

5. Drink lots of water always.

6. Use water everytime you use a toilet, a wipe is far more better than a tissue paper.

7. Avoid using douches. Wash your vagina with unscented soap or simple feminine wash for the external area only.

8. Keep the vagina area clean and dry always, also keep your public hair short.

9. Always wear cotton underwears, or those with cotton in the vagina area (you can go commando, but that will only be when you are putting on trousers).

10. During your period, change your sanitary pads or tampons frequently and use plenty liners during your ovulation.

So there you go. No more bad pussy smell. (please avoid douches and feminine sprays around vulva area.).

Feel free to ask your questions. Comments are also welcomed.


It is so amazing how much misinformation is out there about the vagina. Given how facinated our society is with the female body, you would think we would be a little more informed. Many of us still have alot to learn about our anatomy.

To help out, I have compiled a list of 10 things I believe every woman should know about her vagina.

1. While men pee out of the penis, women don’t pee out of the vagina. There are three holes and countless other sexy structures.
LESSON: Get a mirror and go to town. From front to back, the URETHRA is the first hole, the VAGINA is the second hole and the ANUS is the third hole. It’s funny right. You would be amazed how many people don’t know this.

2. The vagina doesn’t connect to the lung. If you lose anything there, don’t panic. Reach in all the way and pull it out. But please do not go hunting for whatever you lost with a pair of plier.

3. Yes- truly the vagina can fall out. It can turn inside out just like a worm out of sweat sock and hang between your legs as you get older. It is called pelvic prolapse. Don’t fret. It can be fixed!

4. Contrary to popular mythology, there is no such thing as being re-virginized. Once you have lose it, it is gone forever. You can use alom, lime or nzu; it will only tighten the opening of the vagina but will never bring back your virginity.

5. You can catch sexually transmitted diseases even if you use condom. Sorry to tell you this; but the skin of the vulva can still touch infectious skin of the scrotum and there you go!

6. Vagina farts happens to almost all women especially during sex or other forms of excercise. But don’t be embarrased. You are very ok.

7. Lots of vagina needs help lubin up during sex, especially as you get older. Do not be afraid to slick in some lubricant like K-Y Jelly or Astroglide, or you try coconut oil which is actually is a great natural lubricant.

8. If you are hunting for your G Spot, be very patient. Stimulating this area usually requires more and depper stimulation than most people think.

9. Most women do not have orgasms from sex alone. The clitoris is where the action is. Most women who orgasm during sex have figured out how to hit their sweet spot, either by positioning or from direct stimulation of the clit with their fingers.

10. Every vulva is different and beautiful just as the boobs differs in shapes. Some lips hang down. Some ar tucked up neatly inside. Some are long. Some are short. Some are even. Some are not. But all are beautiful.

So there you have it. It is important you know things like this, because you can’t truly love all of yourself until you love your girly parts; and same goes to the guys.

The vagina is always clean so no need for douche sprays, floral or berry. It is supposed to smell like pussy not like rose petals.