Majority of those who support the LGTB Community argue that since Jesus never mentioned homosexuality, He did not condemn it to be sinful. Why then should Christians worry themselves over it?

It is technically true that Jesus did not address specifically the issue of homosexuality, however, He did speak clearly about sexuality in general. In the Gospel Book of Matthew 19:4-6, Jesus grounds the institution of marriage firmly in the created reality of sexual dimorphism: Jesus answered, haven’t you read in the scripture that says that in the beginning the Creator made people male and female? And God said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two become one.’ So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate.” In this passage, Jesus clearly referred to Adam and Eve, and affirmed God’s intended design for marriage and sexuality.
The primary purpose of marriage, both in Genesis 1&2 is just much more than a companionship. It is framed by concept of vocation: the vocation of humanity to be fruithful and multiply, to fill and subdue the earth, to guard and keep the garden, and to uphold its law. After the fall, marriage is also formed by the reality of death and the need to survive and multiply.

Companionship isn’t as primary an end of marriage in biblical thought as it is within contemporary society where, given the nature of our world and economy, companionship with a spouse has to bear the sort of existential weight that were previously typically borne by thick relationships within a settled community.

Rather than take a premissive view of sexual immorality, Jesus affirmed that people are either to be single and celibate, or married and faithful to one spouse of the OPPOSITE sex. He considered any other expression of sexuality sinful. And this includes same-sex activities.
For the fact that Jesus didn’t specifically speak on the subject does not mean He endorsed it. The goal of the Gospels was not to give us a comprehensive list of sinful activities, and there are so many obvious sins that are not even found in the Gospels. For example: Jesus never said kidnapping was a sin, yet we all know that stealling children is wrong.
The scripture warned Christians to “Avoid immorality. Any other sin a man commits does not affect his body; but a man who is guilty of sexual immorality sins against his own body” 1Corinthians 6vs18. And same-sex activity is a sin against a person’s body.

The Christian teaching on subjects such as marriage and sexuality are extensive. Most of these teachings take a positive form, filling out such realities as sexual dimorphism with meaning and purpose, rather than the negative form of prohibiting particular behaviours.

As Christians, it is our duty to speak publicly to the subject of same-sex marriage because we are part of the society, it is our duty also to preach against it. Marriage and the family that emanates from it represents the fundamental institution of the original creation. It relates us to deep and transcendent dimesions of reality. It explores and articulates the meanings of the most basic created anthopological difference and relationship (between a man and a woman). Therefore we must do all we can to guard it by preaching the truth and praying for the conversion of those involved in same-sex activities for the sake of the good of our society and for the generation to come.

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